‘Jackass 4’ Stunt Has Cast and Crew Watch ‘Jackass 3’ In Crowded Theater
LOS ANGELES — The latest entry in the Jackass franchise, now hitting theaters in October, includes a stunt...
NEW YORK — In a desperate move to compete with Amazon Prime’s X-Ray tool, Netflix announced a new feature Thursday...
LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles emergency rooms were overwhelmed this week with broken tailbones as hundreds of residents...
SPRINGWOOD, Ohio — Chugging his fifth coffee of the day, powerful phantasmagoric serial killer Freddy Krueger...
LOS ANGELES — Filming has begun for Dirk Harwood's poignant new coming-of-age story Tidal, in which a young tween...
LOS ANGELES — While relaxing in The Valley at the Encino Clean-o Express Car Wash, NASCAR-winning sentient car Herbie...
BETHESDA, Md. — To many older Americans’ surprise, a new study published by The National Institutes of Health (NIH)...
LOS ANGELES — Actor and environmentalist Leonardo DiCaprio stunned the entertainment industry this Tuesday when he...
LOS ANGELES — Steven Yeun received an Oscar nomination Monday morning for his breakout turn in this year’s critical...
FORT WORTH, Texas — After stopping the love of his life from boarding a red eye to Sarasota by running out onto the...
LOMBARD, Ill. — Film fan Dominick Pittman announced earlier this week to friends and family that he plans to...
LOS ANGELES — Keanu Reeves will revive his role as Kevin Lomax in the long-anticipated remake of The Devil’s Advocate...
WELLINGTON, New Zealand — Peter Jackson, the visionary auteur behind Bad Taste and Dead Alive has announced a 20th...