Daniel Menegaz

Founder & Editor-In-Chief of Plot Twist. Sometimes contributor to The Hard Times, Omnarchy, and Jumpkick.

Movies :)


Steven Yeun Makes Oscar History As First Best Actor Nominee To Use Too Small A Slice

LOS ANGELES — Steven Yeun received an Oscar nomination Monday morning for his breakout turn in this year’s critical...

Oh Shit

holy mother of fucking god

Review: Brandon Cronenberg’s ‘Possessor’ Is Another Thrilling Triumph From Indie Powerhouse A24 – Or Wait, Shit, Was It Neon?

Brandon Cronenberg’s ‘Possessor’ is a gruesome, cerebral techno-thriller that serves as a testament to A24, the indie...

HALO Jumping Ethan Hunt Starting To Think Undercover Mission As “Tom Cruise” Has Gone Too Far

PARIS – Scrambling to reconnect his oxygen tank before performing a High-Altitude, Low Opening jump into stormy Parisian