5 Movies Where You Think Jesse Plemons’ Character Is Racist But Nope He Actually Just Looks That Way

5 Movies Where You Think Jesse Plemons’ Character Is Racist But Nope He Actually Just Looks That Way
Jesse Plemons is one of the fastest-rising movie stars in Hollywood, lauded by critics and moviegoers alike as a versatile and transformative young actor. One of his most enigmatic features, however, is the way his face kinda makes you think, “This guy might be racist.” Here are five films featuring Jesse Plemons playing someone you think is racist until you realize, nope, he unfortunately just looks that way.
Observe And Report (2009) — This seemingly standard-issue gross comedy gets a little murky the first time you see Plemons on screen, especially in that rent-a-cop uniform. You’re sure he’s gonna be racist, but then to your surprise, he’s mostly innocuous.
Battleship (2012) — Plemons really surprised us in this one; we took one look at the guy and thought, “Come on, how can you be racist in space?” Turns out, he isn’t racist, it’s just his face again. For what it’s worth though, astronauts also kinda look like cops.
El Camino — A Breaking Bad Movie (2019): This one is included primarily as an excuse to mention that he looked really racist throughout the whole Breaking Bad series, even though his character wasn’t racist at all. At least we’re pretty sure he wasn’t, or if he was, he was other things too. Gotta revisit the series.
I’m Thinking Of Ending Things (2020) — If this movie weren’t so straightforward and rigidly linear, we may have lost focus and started dwelling on Jesse Plemons looking racist. That musical theatre number at the end had us worried, but that aside, this was a pretty average rom-com. That being said, we could do a list like this for David Thewlis too.
Judas & The Black Messiah (2020) — Ah shit, he is actually playing a racist in this movie. Hold that thought for a minute.
Like Mike (2002) — We might be going out on a limb here because Jesse Plemons is only like 10 in this movie. But even as a kid, he definitely looks like someone who could grow up to be racist.